Sail Optimist! Your first book on sailing
The most updated and innovative book for Optimist dinghy beginners
Competing with a major english publisher, Blue Ocean Media won the contract on development and production of a new childrens book for Optimist dinghy sailors in Norway - a project initiated by the norwegian sailing federation NSF. This small booklet (64 pages) was published March 2013. The visual element is the core of the book - the content is a mix of photos, simple illustrations and creative drawings, combined with short pieces of text with reference to the visual elements.
The pages are designed with plenty of space, to make the content easier to grasp. The book is aimed at children 8-12 years, and we have made use of professsional psychological advice, to make sure the language and the combination of elements are well adapted to the mind of the users we want to reach. Every page asks a question, that is answered on the same page. An animated coach (Steven) and a photographed Optimist-sailor (Uffe) shows and tells everything new sailors will need to know - no more, no less. In the back of the book there are lessons for the kids, and some advice for parents and coaches.
"Sail Optimist! Your first book on sailing" was published in Norway March 2013, and will be followed by an electronic tablet/screen version.
Publishing in other countries will happen as soon as possible.